Arise Africa International (AAI) is an organization that ministers to orphans, plants churches, offers medical ministry and is involved in training and developmental projects throughout the country. AAI was founded in 1998 as a continuation of the work of two U.S. missionaries.
Facts about AAI:
- AAI is based in Jinja, the second largest town in Uganda.
- "The vision of Arise Africa International is to plant churches of our Lord Jesus Christ and to help them grow and develop spiritually, numerically, geographically, and economically. Currently there are 200 baptist churches under Arise Africa International."
- AAI focuses on the quality of life for the children in Uganda. They provide teaching on family planning, nutrition, hygiene and simple first aid.
- AAI provides medical care for the people of Uganda in rural communities who would otherwise have little or no access to health care at all.
- The Arise Africa guest house is the largest source of income for AAI.
- The average number of orphans per church in the AA network is about 35. This means that there are about 7,000 orphans that need to be cared for.
For more information about Arise Africa International, visit their website: