Shopping, Gathering, Packing

>> Thursday, June 30, 2011

Now that time is flying by at warp speed, we've begun to put together a list of things we need for our trip so that we can gather, shop and pack. Excitement is mounting as departure is coming quickly, but yet, it still feels so surreal. Today I realized that Matt and I would only have one more Sunday at Journey before our trip! That really puts things into perspective! It's kind of crazy how we start to measure everything in comparison to July 16th. We say things like "Only 10 more work days left" or "Only two more weeks of meals to plan" or "Only one Sunday at Journey left". Kind of crazy, isn't it?

So, since it's right around the corner, I figured that I needed to get my butt in gear with finding the things that we'll need to pack like batteries, flashlights, toiletries, snacks, etc. Dollar Tree, here I come!!


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