Home, Sweet Home

>> Sunday, July 31, 2011

We are SO glad to be back at home after two weeks in Uganda. It was a bittersweet goodbye for us, though. Although we were happy to be returning home to our family and friends, we already miss our Ugandan friends. I didn't realize what strong friendships would be built with the Pastors in Arise Africa during such a short time. Yes, we were told that it would happen, but we really didn't understand until we experienced it ourselves. It was hard saying goodbye, not knowing if we'll ever see them again, this side of heaven. But they are doing a great work for the Lord in Uganda!

What an amazing time we had! God used our team in mighty ways and many people accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

Over the coming days and weeks, I'll post photos and share stories as I can find time to do so. We've got over 2,000 photos to dig through and sort out, so you can imagine that will take some time on our end! Adjusting back to our reality has been a lot tougher than adjusting to Ugandan life for sure! Although the country is stricken with poverty, there's also something to be said for a much simpler lifestyle than the ones us Americans have.

Some members of the team fell sick during our trip and it seems that I have carried the crud back home with me now. So, when things settle down and I can find more energy to begin the long process of documenting our trip, I promise to do so!

So, for now, I'll leave you with a few teaser photos... I know, mean, huh? Wait till you see the photos of Hilda!!


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