Uganda Recap: Day Eight

>> Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We woke up to rain today. Pouring rain. It had rained during the night. I'm pretty sure the thunder in Africa is louder than here at home.

But, by the time we actually left for the guesthouse, it had slowed to a sprinkle. I guess that's a good thing about being on "Africa time"!

When we got to the village, we were welcomed in by women who were dancing and praising Jesus. Since it was still raining, the plan was to keep everyone inside the church building until the rain had stopped. Old man weather must have known those adults wanted the kids out, because no sooner than we all settled in to our chairs, the rain stopped and the kids got sent outside. Amy, Megan, Matt and I took the oldest kids. There were many school children who wanted to participate but we were told to ask them to leave (go back to school) so that the children of the church could have our undivided attention. We spent the morning playing games, telling stories and singing songs. This crowd of kids seemed different. A bit more rough around the edges. Not as excited. Perhaps it was just because they were older than most of the kids we had already encountered and, like older kids here, are hard to impress with silly games and songs.

Matt took this little one so his sister
could participate in the games
Playing Duck, Duck Goose

In the afternoon, Matt, Megan and I went hut-to-hut with a few pastors and locals. At the first hut, we encountered a Muslim lady who told us that her son was having problems with demons so we prayed over him. She allowed us to share the story of Jesus with her even though she didn't share the same faith. After a while of sharing, she came to accept the salvation of Jesus! We continued on from hut to hut. We met another pastor of the village as we were walking around. Megan presented the Gospel to a woman who seemed like she wanted to get saved, but refused because her husband wasn't home at the time. She said she wanted to wait for him. Makes me wonder if it was a front or if husbands have that much authority over their wives that the wives might be in fear for making a decision like this without their husband present. She would be one of two women who made the same decision today. Matt tried to emphasize that we will all be held accountable for our own actions some day, and that it is our own personal decision. But still, they refused. At our third hut, I had the chance to present the Gospel. This was my first time doing it since we had arrived in Uganda and I knew it was now or never. Besides, I found myself not feeling that nervous about it. I began sharing with a young mother and while I was speaking, a young girl walked up and began to listen. They both wanted to receive salvation. The coolest part was when I spoke to the young girl. She was probably 13 or 14 and she was able to speak English pretty well. There was no need for an interpreter to help us. So here I was, somewhere in the middle of Uganda, Africa, and I'm speaking to this young girl face to face, in my own language, asking her if she believed and wanted to accept Christ into her heart. She said yes and I was able to lead her in a prayer of salvation. Just me and her. Face to face. Chills went down my back. I was thankful to be in that place. When we finished praying, her eyes were filled with joy, her smile radiant. Thank You, Jesus for using me.

At our last hut we spoke with a family who were already believers, but still they wanted to hear the story of Jesus. Before we left, we were able to give them some shoes and toys. They were very grateful.

Pastor John and Matt. Pastor John was a local village pastor who went
hut-to-hut with us today. Since we have been home, we have
been able to communicate with him through email.

Our bus ride home was long. We arrived back at the guesthouse around 8:00 p.m. and as soon as we pulled up, the power went out. It came back on during our meeting after dinner. I was thankful that I was still able to get a hot shower!

Three days of ministry left from this point. I knew that I had to finish strong!


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